time capsule

This blog has become a sort of time capsule these days. I love that about having an online presence–it’s sort of like a giant scrapbook of things that were (and are) important to me at different stages of life.

I took several years off from long-form blogging when I had children. It just so happened that right when I was passionate about sharing daily updates on my tiny humans, Facebook and other micro blogging sites appeared. Now that my little ones are big enough for their online identities to impact their lives (meaning I talk about them less online), I’ve found myself coming back to this format, using it as a place to mull over ideas and issues that puzzle me.

So, for those of you rejoining after this long break and those of you joining for the first time, welcome! Thank you for being here with me. :) To summarize, I got married in 2004 and divorced in 2016. That was a big change. Transitioning from married with children to divorced with children was necessary, but not easy or enjoyable. My life now revolves around co-parenting in a bi-nuclear household, finishing my BS in Nursing (May 2019, woot!), and working in the healthcare field.

What changes have you had in your life recently? At my current age (39), I’ve noticed that years 10 and 15 seem to be critical junctures for a lot of marriages (ones where communication issues come to a head and result in progress toward a better relationship or dissolution of the marriage). Have you noticed the same phenomenon?

Much love to you, and thank you for journeying alongside me.

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