Creativity Project Update, Day 7-10 :)

No, I haven’t stopped!! :)

Sorry for the lack of updates–my laptop decided to die which makes posting a bit more challenging.

I’ve also been dealing with a few unexpected life changes:

1) losing my creativity/craft room (we’re going to have a housemate) and relocating ALL of its contents. A nice time to pare down what I have! I’m about 80% finished with the reorganizing/relocating.
2) adjusting to the idea of a housemate :-P

I’ve also been spending LOTS of time with friends who I normally don’t get to see enough of (see post below, for instance). That takes a lot of energy, for some reason. Probably b/c I’m a people-loving introvert (who is both energized AND drained by lots of social contact).

A nice side effect of just the few days of directed creativity is that my mind is going crazy thinking of all sorts of cool projects, ways to increase personal productivity, fun gifts to make for people, new disciplines to try, etc. I’ve also noticed that my life seems more deliberately lived–more examined, to put it in Socratic terms. By looking at what I do from different angles (e.g., having to create word pictures, thinking visually, etc), new question arise naturally: why do I hold on to certan fears? Why care about labeling drawers (I have ROCKIN’ rationale for this, btw)? What if I God doesn’t really care what I do a a career? What if having a family is the best way for the Wunderhusband and I to serve God? What if we’re not supposed to have kids of our own? Why not embrace the fact that I HATE being enslaved to high maintenance beauty routines, but adore occasional pampering? …etc.

More updates to come! ::hugs::

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